Tech Team is a group of 6th, 7th and 8th graders who meet together once a week before school to learn about all kinds of different aspects of Technology.
Here are some of the things that they have been doing this past year.
- Sphero programing
- Taking apart PC towers to see what is inside and to prepare for them for recycling
- Metal recycling event to raise money for tech team and our school Makerspace
- Video making, including learning how to use a green screen
- Simple computer game programing
- Chromebook repairs
- Classroom technology troubleshooting (projectors, printers etc....)
- Helping other students with their chromebooks
- Learning the basics of CAD and 3D printing.
One of our greatest focuses is to help with technology needs throughout the school; whether in the classroom or in the gym setting up for an assembly, Tech Team is here to help.