School Improvement Plan
Strategic Plan Goal Area 1: Safe & Thriving
Strategic Plan Outcome: O2. Every Student Thrives Socially and Emotionally
Strategic Plan Measure: % of students reporting they feel safe, welcome, and accepted at school
School “SMART” Goal (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely):
The percentage of students reporting they feel safe, welcome, and accepted at school as measured by the 7th grade student survey will increase from 61% to 80% by the end of the year.
Available Leading Indicators for this Measure:
- Student Surveys during advisory
- Student Participation in school-wide events
- Increase in regular attenders
Strategic Plan Strategy: Teams in each building meet regularly to examine social-emotional, academic, attendance, and discipline data for students
- Action: BH&W Team will collect, analyze, and monitor attendance, behavior, and academic data
- Action: BH&W Information shared through kid chats and utilized in creation of school-wide lessons delivered during advisory
- Action: A student survey based on the Annual 7th Grade Student Survey and Character Dare self-reporting by students
Action: BH&W Team will collect, analyze, and monitor attendance, behavior, and academic data
Action: BH&W Information shared through kid chats and utilized in creation of school-wide lessons delivered during advisory
Action: A student survey based on the Annual 7th Grade Student Survey and Character Dare self-reporting by students
Strategic Plan Strategy: Create school-wide structures that intentionally build safe and inclusive learning environments
- Action: Effective Character Strong lessons delivered by all staff, incorporating Character Dares, building common language around identifying emotional states, and increasing the number of students throughout the school making kind choices.
- Action: Attendance incentives for struggling attenders utilized by Attendance Team at CMS with common Cadence of Reward, Outcome/Goal of Attendance, and Template for Goal Setting
- Action: Connection and Celebration Activities for school community
Action: Effective Character Strong lessons delivered by all staff, incorporating Character Dares, building common language around identifying emotional states, and increasing the number of students throughout the school making kind choices.
Action: Attendance incentives for struggling attenders utilized by Attendance Team at CMS with common Cadence of Reward, Outcome/Goal of Attendance, and Template for Goal Setting
Action: Connection and Celebration Activities for school community
Strategic Plan Goal Area 2: Progress on Standards
Strategic Plan Outcome: O1. All students demonstrate progress toward, and achievement, of the standards
Strategic Plan Measure: % of students in grades 4-8 who got closer to proficiency on OSAS ELA
School “SMART” Goal (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely):
By the end of the 23-24 school year, the gap score reported for all students will increase resulting in a raise from level 1 to level 2 across multiple groups of students as measured by the OSAS test given in May 2024.
Available Leading Indicators for this Measure:
- Lexia PowerUp
- Use of Academic Language in classrooms as monitored by walkthroughs
Strategic Plan Strategy: Articulated and scaffolded high leverage teaching strategies (AVID-WICOR) taught and consistently used in all content areas at all grade levels
- Action: PD Focus for 2023-2024: Focused Note-Taking to be initially explored during opening week and revisited during the year.
- Action: PD Area of Support: Academic Language Supports
- Action: Utilization of Claim-Evidence-Reasoning to structure informative or argumentative essays across Social Studies, Science, and Language Arts classrooms.
Action: PD Focus for 2023-2024: Focused Note-Taking to be initially explored during opening week and revisited during the year.
Action: PD Area of Support: Academic Language Supports
Action: Utilization of Claim-Evidence-Reasoning to structure informative or argumentative essays across Social Studies, Science, and Language Arts classrooms.
Strategic Plan Strategy: Implement strong multi-tiered systems of support for students' academic needs
- Action: Use of Lexia PowerUp in all Language Arts classrooms
- Action: Provide reading support and intervention to students identified through data as struggling to read